The Success Triangle

Practical Strategies and Innovative Ideas

Do you have the right Attitude, Skills and Knowledge to succeed in the Real Estate Industry?


No matter what your goals are, you are the architect of your success. In the real estate industry the sky is the limit. All you have to do is set your sights, create a business plan, implement with enthusiasm and stay focused. The rest will take care of itself.

Sure, there will be bumps in the road and smooth passages too, but most of all there will be multiple opportunities to determine the best way forward for you.

My goal is to introduce you and your organization to the most effective practices in three specific areas of real estate (real estate practices, relocation moves, professional coaching) — providing the tools to help make informed decisions. There’s nothing like the real estate industry. I’m happy to hit the road to help you become more successful in your approach to your real estate career!

Success System

Looking for a highly effective, low pressure, prospect oriented sales approach that allows you to function with a high degree of individuality? The material is designed to allow you the maximum amount of flexibility in applying these ideas in selling situations.  The “Success Triangle” is designed to help the individual who sincerely desires to increase his own ability to sell. Your involvement in this program will provide you with the basic tools to operate effectively in any selling situation.


Relocation Overview

What is the relocation business all about? It’s a special niche market that can drive real estate business to the next level? Sales Associates who assist relocating clients can generate a substantial book of business. However, the best results for both company and associate is to work through a relocation department that will generate incoming and outgoing referral business for distribution to Associates. Learn more about the relocation industry during this one-hour informative session.


Interactive Coaching

Whether you are preparing a public speech for your business, participating in a group project or defining an approach for your next presentation, I will help you confidently and effectively compose your next move. The ultimate goal is to help your clients make an informed decision that supports a winning proposition.